WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Green Party of the United States has identified “Green Candidates to Watch” in races for municipal and county office on Election Day, Nov. 8, 2016.
The list includes Green candidates who are running energetic, well publicized, and well organized campaigns for local office across the U.S. In some cases, the candidates have a strong chance of winning on Nov. 8. The list is a sample — there are many more Green candidates who deserve attention.
The Green Party will publish a list of Green candidates to watch in races for the U.S. House and Senate, state legislatures, and statewide office in a follow-up release.
“We’re a grassroots party, which means our biggest advances take place at the local level. Green presidential campaigns boost our local campaigns, especially by helping state Green Parties achieve ballot status, which enables local candidates to get on the ballot,” said Tamar Yager, co-chair of the Green Party.
“The Green Party is on the ballot in 44 states in 2016, more than in any previous presidential election year. If Jill Stein and Ajamu Baraka receive at least 5% of the popular vote on Election Day, the next Green nominees will receive millions in funding from the Federal Election Commission. All of these will help many more Greens run for state and local office in the coming years,” said Ms. Yager.
Photos, contact information, and more video links can be found on the candidates’ web sites. The list below is a sample of the many Green candidates who deserve attention.
Green candidates to watch for LOCAL OFFICE
Lena Buggs for Soil and Water Conservation District Supervisor in Ramsey County, Minnesota (currently project coordinator for the North End Village Community Rain Garden, in association with District 6 Planning Counsel, Ward 5 City Counsel office and Capital Region Watershed District)
Web site: http://www.lena4soilandwater.com
Ashely “Flashe” Gordon for Travis County Commissioner in Texas, Precinct 1
“Pushed Out of East Austin by Gentrification” (video): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83_cF_noFpU
Interview: https://medium.com/@djohnson1788/interview-with-asheley-gordon-green-party-candidate-bea9afda0adb
Web site: http://www.flashe4traviscounty.com
Erika Jacho for School Board in Belleville, New Jersey
Web site: https://www.facebook.com/ErikaJacho2016DedicationInEducation
Martina Salinas for Texas State Railroad Commission
“Why Martina Salinas’ Bid for the Texas Railroad Commission Matters More than You Think”: http://inevitahillary.blogspot.com/2016/09/why-martina-salinas-bid-for-texas.html
“Texas Can Be a Renewable Energy Leader” (video): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZK-YfBDxmSw
Web site: https://www.facebook.com/salinastxrr
Ian Daelucian for City Council in Irvine, California
Web site: https://daelucian.com
James C Dorsey for Bexar County Sheriff in Texas
“Black Blood: Why you should vote Dorsey for Bexar County Sheriff, here is his plan” (The San Antonio Observer): https://939c9b01811224bb3dcf-d6f090436a6f3838a347f2f22505b78d.ssl.cf5.rackcdn.com/uploads/editions/3199/original_4bb926cc2b5767c2c736833210c8a7dea8187077.pdf
Web site: https://sites.google.com/site/jdorseyforsheriff
Joshua Harris for Mayor of Baltimore, Maryland
Video: https://www.facebook.com/harrisforbaltimore/videos/957659981029706
“Banking for a Baltimore Undivided” (The Real News video interview): http://therealnews.com/t2/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=31&Itemid=74&jumival=16544#newsletter1
Web site: http://www.HarrisForBaltimore.com
Rodolfo Rivera Muñoz for Justice, Texas Supreme Court, Place 3
“Indian Nations Left Out in 1776” (video): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1hkSUJzuJ8
Web site: http://www.rodolforiveramunoz.com
Laura Palmer for Texas State Board of Education, District 6
Web site: https://www.facebook.com/Laura-Palmer-for-TX-SBOE-6-840931759366025
Don Macleay for Oakland Unified School Board Director, District #1, in California
Endorsed by the Oakland Education, Alameda Labor Council, Oakland Justice Coalition, Green Party of Alameda County, Block By Block Organizing Network, and Parents United
Web site: http://www.don4ousd.org