The Green Party of Ohio does not accept any corporate donations, we rely on individual donations from people just like yourself to fund our expenses. Your gift will help us elect people who share your beliefs, your concerns, and who will work to advance an alternative to the two party duopoly.
The Green Party of Ohio is the only political party in Ohio that refuses to accept corporate contributions, we rely on individual donations from people just like yourself to fund our expenses. If you are a business owner please make sure your donation comes from a personal account, not a business account.
Your contribution will help us elect people who share your beliefs, your concerns, and who will work to advance an alternative to the two party duopoly. Federal elections law requires that we use our best efforts to obtain and submit to the Federal Elections Commission the name, address, occupation and employer of our contributors. Contributions of $100 or more which do not contain this information must be returned. Contributions are not tax deductible.
Please send check donations to:
or use the Paypal donation link