Constance Gadell-Newton, Co-Chair of the Ohio Green Party, announces that she will run for Governor of Ohio in 2018

Constance Gadell-Newton, Esq., is a social justice activist, Attorney at Law and Guardian ad Litem for abused and neglected children in Columbus, Ohio.  She graduated from Bishop Watterson High School in Columbus, has a B.A. from the Ohio State University in Philosophy and Women’s Studies, and a J.D. from the Pennsylvania State University Dickinson School of Law, where she studied International, Criminal, and Public Interest Law.     


Constance is committed to promoting the well-being of all Ohioans, no matter what happens in Washington, D.C.  Constance will stand up to keep families together in the face of recent changes in U.S. Immigration Policy. Constance wants to make sure that all Ohioans have their needs met for health care and education. She supports universal health care for all Ohioans and free public education from pre-school to college. Constance stands with workers in the fight for a living wage and wage equality for women and minorities.  


As a Criminal Defense Attorney, Constance works every day to protect the Constitutional Rights of Ohioans, including women, minorities, parents, children, and gun owners.  Constance supports abolition of the for-profit prison system in Ohio as well as the decriminalization of drug possession, believing that Ohio should treat drug addiction as a health condition rather than a criminal issue.  Constance is opposed to the burdensome criminal penalties in the child support enforcement system as being against the interests of Ohio children and families.


Constance will fight to protect our natural resources and clean water for the health and benefit of all Ohioans.  Constance believes that decisions that affect people on the local level should be made locally and that out-of-state corporations should not be allowed to exploit Ohio.  


Constance will bring back incentives for alternative energy sources in Ohio and will promote Green education and public works, as well as local entrepreneurialism and public service.


As Co-Chair of the Ohio Green Party, Constance has built a party to stand up to the corrupt two-party system.  The Green Party does not accept corporate donations.  It offers voters a radical choice, and will empower Ohioans at the grassroots level to engage with the political system.  





Committee to Elect Constance Gadell-Newton

1021 E. Broad Street,

Columbus, Ohio 43205

(614)307-9783 Office

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