It’s time to kick–off the 2018 electoral season! On Saturday, August 4ththe Coordinated Campaign Committee is calling for a national Green Wave. We are asking Green Party candidates and activists to engage in major efforts to reach out to voters.
We are calling on all local and state Green Party chapters, as well as unaffiliated Green supporters, to organize a Green Wave event in their community on August 4thin support of our candidates.
We have a awesome group of candidates running this year. Your effort in winning your election and green voters is key to the future of the party and the country. The CCC is committed to help.
Green Party Telethon
August 18th& 19th
The Coordinated Campaign Committee and the Media Committee have agreed to host the first ever Green Party Facebook Telethon on August 18, 2018. We see it as a major effort to raise money for our candidates in the fall elections.
We are asking candidates to summit a one to two minute video about your campaign. It should include the candidate’s web or Facebook site in order to contact your campaign. The Telethon goes live, nationwide, at 1 PM EST August 18, 2018.
Candidates can record your video on a smart phone or, more ideally, on a digital camera. The CCC and the media committee will be recording short interviews with candidates at the convention next week. Candidates using smart phones should be shot as close ups for the best quality and make sure your sound is good.
For candidates attending the convention, video taping spots should be no longer than one to two minutes.
Be creative and take photos of your campaigning! Share on social media with #GreenWave2018.
Tell us how you’re going to Green Wave by emailing so we can help promote your event or activity. Tag the Green Party on social media – @GreenPartyUS
This is our year. Vote Green in 2018!
Coordinated Campaign Committee
Holly Hart, Co-Chair
Erin Doherty
Robert Edward Smith
Maureen Doyle
Erin Fox, Co-Chair
Em Ward
New Mexico
Jason Nabewaniec
New York
Logan Martinez
Hillary Kane