Two big events next Tuesday involving the Green Party candidate for President in Ohio. One is in Columbus, the other is in Cleveland.
First Event: Howie Stands Against HR6 at the State House
When: 11 AM, Tuesday, September 29, 2020
Where: The Ohio State House, 1 Capitol Square, Columbus, OH 43215
What: Green Presidential Candidate to call for Green New Deal to bring back manufacturing jobs to Ohio and usher in environmentally sound energy solutions.
Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for President, will speak about his Green New Deal and how its call for a federal jobs guarantee will bring hundreds of thousands of green manufacturing jobs to Ohio as well as calling for the repeal of HR6 in favor of clean energy solutions.
Hawkins was the first U.S. politician to run on a fully realized Green New Deal in his first run for NY Governor in 2010. His signature Ecosocialist Green New Deal calls for an annual investment of over $2.7 trillion the Green Economy Reconstruction Program, which will create about 30 million new jobs; bringing clean energy manufacturing jobs to the people of Ohio. Hawkins calls for the repeal of HR6, a federal bailout for the nuclear and coal industry in favor of clean energy solutions that will zero out greenhouse gas emissions and build a 100% clean renewable energy system by 2030. Following the press conference, Hawkins will join supporters at Columbus Commons Park at 160 S High St, Columbus, OH 43215 for an outdoor, safe, socially-distanced meet & greet.
Second Event: #LetHowieDebate
When: 6 PM, Tuesday, September 29, 2020
Where: Case Western Reserve University, 10900 Euclid Ave, Cleveland, Ohio 44106
What: Green Presidential Candidate arrives at first national 2020 Presidential Debate location to protest exclusion of independent candidates from the debates.
The first national Presidential debate of 2020 will air this Tuesday from 9-10:30 PM from Cleveland, Ohio. Despite being on the ballot in all or the overwhelming majority of US states, independent and third party candidates such as Howie Hawkins and Jo Jorgensen are entirely excluded from the debate process. Hawkins will arrive at Case Western University in Cleveland at 6PM where he will join those protesting the exclusionary nature of these debates and their lock-out of independent candidates.