M4M4ALL Columbus Protest

All across the country, people are coming together to demand that healthcare be treated as a human right. Our communities are being crippled by the rising cost of healthcare. In Ohio, many families lack access to healthcare due to the state’s refusal to expand Medicaid. The Green Party calls for universal single-payer healthcare through an improved Medicare for All system.

The Green Party is strong supporter of the Medicare for All legislation. Green Party members and supporters will be marching in cities across the country on July 24, 2021. We urge you to participate in one of the 1,000 events taking place that day. The event nearest to Columbus will be starting at 11:00 A.M. at the State Capital.

Unified People’s Coalition is partnered in hosting & organizing this event in Columbus! https://www.mobilize.us/marchformedicareforallm4m4all-1/event/395929/

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