January 23 2022 is officially RCV Day. 1-2-3 Ranking Day. On this day, we will stand up for instant runoff
voting (RCV) across the country, and we will win. For too long, Democrats and Republicans have
conspired to keep us from having real choices. They’ve used every dirty trick in the book to prevent us
from being able to elect Greens or other candidates who offer real solutions to our country’s problems.
On December 9, 2021 the U.S. House of Representatives voted to fund cities and states as they first
implement ranked choice voting (RCV), by passing an amendment to the Protecting Our Democracy Act
that then passed the House. This is the first legislation specifically allocating money to expand RCV
elections passed by either chamber of the U.S. Congress.
Green Party members across the country are celebrating a new milestone in the use of ranked choice
voting, also known as instant runoff voting or alternative vote. Ranked choice voting is the only fair and
effective voting system to end gerrymandering, elect a more representative legislature, and ensure that
everyone who wants to run for office can do so.
We support the use of rank choice voting (RCV) and instant runoff voting (IRV) to ensure that we elect
more people of color, women and other marginalized groups to public office.
“We can create a world in which everyone has a voice and no one is left behind. Together, we can build
an inclusive political movement that creates a society that works for all of us, not just the wealthy and
well-connected.” Said Philena Farley, State Co-Chair.
Please join Ohio’s all-volunteer team, RankTheVoteOhio.org as we welcome new supporters, give updates on our progress, and share next steps in our strategy to make Ohio’s elections more free and fair with Ranked Choice Voting.
Ranked choice? Still note entirely convinced, but I like more than two choices.
How about 535 Representatives in one house elected statewide greatest vote total to least. One vote per candidate per voter, four elections per year.
This would serve issues and minority positions. Each representative would be roughly 20,000 votes in Ohio. As some candidates would draw well over 20,000, some would need less than 20,000. Local politics numbers.
Lots of issue and grass roots possibilities.
The Senate could be appointed by county commissioners and be limited to presenting proposition, referendum, recall, and constitutional amendments to a statewide vote.
And pay people to vote. 500 dollars an election. Might “end” fraud as no person is going to let the board not pay them. And boards of elections will have financial receipts of every voter they can cross check.